

Over the coming years the school will be undertaking further building works to rationalise our facilities. The school has developed a site wide masterplan that will promote flexible, creative and collaborative ways of working and improve accessibility, security and safeguarding.

The first phase was concluded in 2018 with the completion of the sports pavilion and the Garden Building.  We are now looking ahead to the next phase of projects and we are delighted that the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham’s Planning Committee granted planning approval for the scheme in September 2020.

The masterplan has been designed to be delivered in phases and includes:

  • The Centre for Design and Innovation was built on the site of the previous Rosalind Franklin building and links to the neighbouring Mercers’ Building. The space will provide technology, design and maker spaces as well as a flexible gathering space and a dedicated entrance that will support our ambition to increase our partnership work
  • A Staff Hub to consolidate staff work areas and allow us to free up space in the historic main building for new pupil focused areas, including a wellbeing area
  • A single storey building in the car park to house our maintenance team
  • Landscaping, providing for improved external spaces

If you have any questions about our building plans, please do not hesitate to get in touch by email via buildingplan@spgs.org
or call us on 020 7605 4881.

Strategic plan

Artistic impression of the exterior of the new Forum Building.
Artistic impression of the interior of the new Rosalind Franklin Building.

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