
Platform Concerts

Platform Concerts

This week the music department held their first live events of the year, with two year group platform concerts for the UIV and LV.

This week the music department held their first live events of the year, with two year group platform concerts for the UIV and LV. Both were well attended with a mixture of live and online audience members. It is wonderful to hear music again in the corridors of St Paul’s, from the instrumental and singing teaching rooms as well as the various co-curricular clubs and ensembles which are already up and running. Below Camille, UIV, tells us what it was like to perform in the school’s first live in-person performance since March:  

I recently took part in my year’s platform concert. It was so fun and beneficial, as it was great performing practice for me. The event had an amazing, relaxed atmosphere so I was not nervous at all! Many friends from my year bubble came to watch me perform, as well as people outside my bubble who were able to join via Zoom. Although the concert was in weird circumstances, it was so great to be able to perform live again, something that I, and I am sure many other musicians, have missed over lockdown. It was such a nice experience, and a great way to jump back into music at school!