Debating is up and running again this term despite Covid-19 restrictions: our usual Friday training is taking place on Zoom, while junior debating is happening in school, with the VI and VII students zooming in to coach the MIV and UIV. Christina (VI) will inaugurate the Tuesday lunchtime debating next week with her reflections on politics. Here, Madame May updates us on debating society’s experience in their most recent competition:
We opened the new competitive season on Saturday with the first online edition of the SPGS Women’s Open, a free novice competition aiming at developing debaters’ experience and confidence, and so far the only U18 women’s competition in the UK. Vicky (VII) masterminded the whole event and did a fantastic job doubling up as judge and convenor. Kitty (VII) as tech wizard was prompt to solve initial glitches, while Chiara (VII) proved a most competent tab master. It was a real team venture, with Kiersten and Anya (VI) as well as Alex and Isobel (VII) as wing judges, while Hina (UIV) as a reserve team member paired up with a girl from City of London School for Girls. We were delighted that distinguished OP debaters Rachel and Lucy were able to join us to judge. The event was well attended, with 40 teams from 17 different schools, including teams from Scotland, India, and Canada. A good time was had by all (so we heard!) and we congratulate Wimbledon High School on winning the final.
The competitive spirit carries on, and we wish our teams good luck for upcoming events including the Northern Junior Debating Championship, the Dulwich Open, the Imperial College London debating competition and the Cambridge qualifying round.