

All our students have access to an extensive network of support. Social integration is important to our pastoral care and tutor groups are small, comprising 13-15 students in the Lower and Middle Schools and 8-10 in the Senior School.

Tutor groups meet daily, which ensures form tutors know their tutees well and are able to support them; the tutor is also the first point of contact for parents. Building students’ resilience is at the forefront of our pastoral programme, which aims to ensure students are well-equipped to deal with moments of change and transition, from the move from the Lower School into the Middle School to the eventual progression into university.

Our wellbeing team is agile in order to cater for a range of needs. We have a team of child and adolescent therapists, a qualified clinical supervisor, and a medical team, all of whom are housed in the Wellbeing Centre, which was opened in 2022. We also offer placements to advanced trainee therapists to extend our counselling provision. Students can self-refer to the counsellors without parental consent, giving them more autonomy. They can also turn to their tutor, Head of Year, nurse, Chaplain, or any teacher for support, as well as older students.

Conversations around development and wellbeing include the entire community; pastoral care does not stop at the school’s doors. We believe that communication with parents is vital and so we run regular discussion evenings for parents, with prestigious external speakers, as well as consulting regularly on matters such as the PSHE curriculum.

Students chatting in the grounds of the school.

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Collaboration with St Paul’s School

Collaboration with St Paul’s School