Leadership is a core strand of our pastoral curriculum so that students are equipped with the tools needed to instigate change and to work in teams. Students are encouraged to take on positions of responsibility throughout their school careers: each tutor group elects a form captain, and we have year leaders and a very effective School Council.
A team of peer supporters in the VI (Y11) mentor and coach the younger years, while the Head of School Team spearhead a variety of initiatives within the school. The CAR (Consent and Respect) Committee collaborates with senior students at St Paul’s School alongside regular sessions with students in the V (Y10). We are constantly trying to develop leadership opportunities throughout the school, especially by modelling good behaviour and reflecting key values such as kindness, generosity and non-judgemental attitudes.
The student voice is essential to our pastoral provision, and students help to shape the pastoral agenda. A team of PSHE student ambassadors contribute to the evaluation of our programme and run sessions for their peers. Senior School students from our school and SPS also help to deliver PSHE to the Middle School. Older students help the newcomers to the school feel comfortable and integrated, alongside committees, such as Diversity and Inclusion, engaging in ongoing discussions with our school community to monitor the effectiveness of our actions and ensure all groups feel heard and understood.