

St Paul’s Girls’ School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all governors, staff, volunteers, visitors, and parents to share this commitment. We recognise that children have a fundamental right to be protected from harm and that students cannot learn effectively unless they feel secure. We therefore aim to provide a school environment which promotes self-confidence, a feeling of self-worth and the knowledge that students’ concerns will be listened to and acted upon.

If you have any concerns about anyone at St Paul’s Girls’ School (whether past or present), please contact the Safeguarding Team via the Front Office on 020 7603 2288 or frontoffice@spgs.org.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Sophie McGeoch, Deputy Head, Director of Safeguarding and Inclusion: email

Deputy DSLs

Lizzie Beesley, Deputy Head, Director of Pastoral Care: email

Rupert Try, Deputy Head, Director of Senior School: email

Bryony Gough, Head of Middle School: email

Chloe Lallyett, Head of Lower School and MIV (Y7): email

Sydne Derbyshire, Head of UIV (Y8): email

Further information can be found in our Safeguarding (child protection) Policy.

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Student voice