
Regular giving

Talent is everywhere, opportunity is not. Together, we can change this.

Our goal

St Paul’s Girls’ School has always led the way in providing an outstanding education for young people and we believe that all students should have the opportunity to come to St Paul’s, irrespective of their economic background.

Currently, we are able to offer bursary support to 11% of the student roll. Over the next ten years, we are determined to grow that figure so that by 2034, 20% of students will benefit from assistance with fees.

Our newly launched regular giving programme – the 1904 Society – provides a meaningful and affordable way for you to help us reach our target.

It is named to honour the school’s founding year. In 1904, the Mercers’ Company established St Paul’s Girls’ School, inspired by founder John Colet and acting as his trustee. Colet’s extraordinary vision for the education of children of ‘all countries and nations indifferently’ is a principle of inclusiveness and the guiding mission of the 1904 Society.

How to join the 1904 Society

Joining is simple. Become a member by pledging a regular gift of your choosing, or related to our founding year, 1904. You can make a regular gift of £1.90, £19.04, £190.04 or £1,904. Your gift will continue to be collected until you cancel the donation.

All members of the 1904 Society are listed in our yearly Impact Report and are invited to a special annual thank you event hosted by the High Mistress.

The cost of a full bursary for one year is £33,000. To support one student for her full seven years at SPGS, the cost is £231,000.

A full bursary for one year is equivalent to:


144 donors giving £19.04 a month for a year


86 donors giving £190.04 twice a year


17 donors giving £1904 each year

If the regular gift continued for 7 years, it would fund a student’s education at SPGS.

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How to give

How to give