A whole host of clubs and societies are running virtually this term to ensure remote learning is as enriching and enjoyable as ever. Mila, VII, discusses Junior Feminist Society, one of this year’s most popular online offerings:
Despite Covid-19’s best efforts, this year has been a bumper year for feminism at St Paul’s. Every Wednesday lunch, keen feminists in the MIV, UIV and LV have joined members of this year’s Junior Femsoc Committee in the VII on Zoom to explore the women’s rights movement. So far, sessions have included women’s presence in the military, fast fashion size inclusivity and sexist Christmas adverts (to name just a few!). We heard impressive presentations from the junior femsoccers themselves on the history and future of feminism and their favourite feminist icons. Junior Femsoc has been full of thought-provoking debate, discussion and learning for everyone involved and is without a doubt the highlight of my week. It is safe to say that the next generation of Paulina feminism is in very good hands!