Evolve, one of our popular drama clubs, has taken on a new life following remote learning. Here Ava and Hannah, V, tells us more:
With lockdown looming back in March, it looked possible that many clubs would shut down when we moved onto Zoom. However, I was really happy that many extracurriculars survived the transition and adapted to remote learning. This included Evolve, a popular drama club. It was exciting not only to talk with our friends about something other than quadratics, but also to experiment with the new interface that we were working with. With Zoom, you could change backgrounds to transport yourself anywhere you wanted and mess around with new film angles. Starting off with a wild trip with origami swans and Shakespeare, we eventually landed on Fabric Scissors by Miss Swithinbank and over the course of two months pulled together the opening scenes. Our drama platform, although hectic, was complete with costumes, transitions and ‘set’. Thanks, Ms. Turner! Although I prefer to be back in school, continuing our play from lockdown means we’ve created something that, I hope, is quite cool. Now with the added bonus of being able to discuss ideas face-to-face (with masks, obviously). It’s been a ride and I’m so glad to be involved.
Ava, V
We are delighted to be able to carry on with Evolve this term. Despite having to maintain year group bubbles, members of the V and LV are still managing to meet once a week over Zoom. In these sessions, we are very pleased to continue staging and rehearsing Fabric Scissors, the first part of which we performed last term and we are now looking forward to performing it in full. We have had to ‘evolve’ around and adapt to comply with the restrictions in place and in doing so, have come up with creative solutions such as learning how to effectively communicate and perform over Zoom and working with different formats. Separately, our year groups are meeting in person once a week where we are exploring and collaborating on ideas for more performances. For example, the members of Evolve in the V are very excited at the prospect of creating an online interactive escape room and the LV are experimenting with different camera angles to accompany a script. We are very happy that Evolve is up and running so look out for some upcoming socially distanced performances!
Hannah, V