
Mini Medical Interviews

Mini Medical Interviews

VIII medics, dentists and vets were able to participate in a virtual MMI practice event with students from local schools as part of this partnership scheme.

Larissa, VIII, summarises this key partnership event:

On Monday VIII medics, dentists and vets were able to participate in a virtual MMI practice event with students from local schools. Alongside witnessing some excellent acting skills from Mrs Payler-Lodge and Ms Orchard (we are sorry about your cat), the experience was absolutely invaluable, and it was amazing to talk and practise with other students who are working towards the same goals as we are. A massive thank you to all the schools who participated, and to Mrs Payler-Lodge, Ms Arblaster, Ms Orchard, Miss Sarah Bell and Ms Dariya for organising this iconic event! Good luck to all students with interviews coming up!