Rosanagh, LV, discusses the unexpected benefits of moving our traditional Soirée Musicale to an online format:
This term has been full of challenges for everyone, but these challenges have been more than most for the music department. Year group bubbles have meant that many ensembles can no longer perform together and large-scale in-person concerts are a thing of the past. However, the Soirée Musicale was a perfect demonstration of the determined nature of the SPGS music department. The concert took place over a Zoom webinar and all the performances were pre-recorded videos. Rather than detract from the effect of the concert, this new format meant that the playing had a chance to become more polished than ever and even more people could tune in from home. Due to year group bubbles, there was an even wider range of performances from across the school, covering acapella groups, brass ensembles and even orchestras! A huge variety of musical genres were performed, and it made for a wonderful pre-Christmas treat. Thank you to the whole music department who did a fantastic job putting together such a great event.
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Phasellus volutpat, metus eget egestas mollis, lacus lacus blandit dui, id egestas quam mauris ut lacus. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Proin viverra, ligula sit amet ultrices semper, ligula arcu tristique sapien, a accumsan nisi mauris ac eros. Proin magna. Nunc egestas, augue at pellentesque laoreet, felis eros vehicula leo, at malesuada velit leo quis pede.
Vivamus laoreet. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Nunc nonummy metus. Sed hendrerit. Fusce convallis metus id felis luctus adipiscing.
Duis lobortis massa imperdiet quam. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. Donec vitae orci sed dolor rutrum auctor. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum aliquam libero, non adipiscing dolor urna a orci.
Nullam cursus lacinia erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus dolor. Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Vestibulum rutrum, mi nec elementum vehicula, eros quam gravida nisl, id fringilla neque ante vel mi. Vestibulum fringilla pede sit amet augue. Vestibulum suscipit nulla quis orci.
Phasellus volutpat, metus eget egestas mollis, lacus lacus blandit dui, id egestas quam mauris ut lacus. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Proin viverra, ligula sit amet ultrices semper, ligula arcu tristique sapien, a accumsan nisi mauris ac eros. Proin magna. Nunc egestas, augue at pellentesque laoreet, felis eros vehicula leo, at malesuada velit leo quis pede.
Vivamus laoreet. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Nunc nonummy metus. Sed hendrerit. Fusce convallis metus id felis luctus adipiscing.
Duis lobortis massa imperdiet quam. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. Donec vitae orci sed dolor rutrum auctor. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum aliquam libero, non adipiscing dolor urna a orci.
Nullam cursus lacinia erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus dolor. Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Vestibulum rutrum, mi nec elementum vehicula, eros quam gravida nisl, id fringilla neque ante vel mi. Vestibulum fringilla pede sit amet augue. Vestibulum suscipit nulla quis orci.