
New Views Programme Launch

New Views Programme Launch

This week marked the launch of this year's New Views playwriting programme, run by the National Theatre.

This week marked the launch of this year’s New Views playwriting programme, run by the National Theatre. Here, Coco, V, and Elise, VI, discuss the benefits of this initiative:

Although it has just started the New Views programme has already taught us all so much; between non-stop writing exercises, games and play analysis, it is so different to any other writing we have done before. After a few weeks of preparation, we will begin our eventual goal of writing a one act play. Groups get to meet with a National Theatre playwright and receive feedback as their plays progress. New Views is such an exciting and unique experience, offering a great opportunity to expand your writing style, not to mention the chance to have your own script performed professionally. It is a perfect example of all the inspiring extra-curriculars which are still going ahead, and has great promise for the weeks to come. Although unfortunately this year due to Covid-19 restrictions the V and the VI had to have separate meetings, it was nevertheless great to be back in New Views and begin a new year of playwriting!