The 2021 Greek Play

Last term we were delighted to premiere Aeschylus’ The Libation Bearers, the 2021 Greek Play.

The Greek Play is a special tradition unique to our school, whereby pupils in the VII direct an Ancient Greek play in its original language. It normally takes place as a live production in the Singing Hall, but unsurprisingly, with all the lockdowns and social distancing regulations in place this past year, this was not feasible. Nevertheless, my team were determined and we pushed to produce it as a film instead. So, having virtually rehearsed throughout the January-March lockdown, and having filmed intermittently from late March to November, all our efforts culminated in this final film. We are very proud of what we have achieved given all the countless setbacks. Of course, we owe much to the staff here at St Paul’s, in particular Mr Brown who volunteered his time to help us film. In case you missed it, The Libation Bearers is available on estream now!

Maddie (VIII)