It has been a great two weeks for our debaters. Madame May, who runs student debating at SPGS, gives an updates on their recent competitions:
There has been plenty of success recently for our debaters. Six of our girls were offered England trials and we won the Birmingham and Warwick U18 Open competitions. The successful trialists are Kitty, Alex, Abby, Creagh, all VII, Anya, VI and Maya, V. Anya and Maya won Birmingham, going unbeaten for five debates. This achievement was matched by Abby and Creagh at Warwick. In addition, at Birmingham, Eppie, VI and Frankie, LV qualified for the Silver Final in 5th place. Among further successes at Warwick were Isobel, VII and Christina, VI making the top ten speakers and Alex and Kiersten, VI reaching the Silver Final. Not to be outdone, we had two teams in the Novice final at this U18 competition, which is remarkable. Vanessa & Estefania eventually won out over Francesca and Tanya, all UIV, but not without a stern fight! Tanya, UIV, says of the day “Overall, it was an incredibly exciting Saturday and I very much enjoyed debating, especially in the finals”.
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Etiam vitae tortor. Praesent venenatis metus at tortor pulvinar varius. Phasellus consectetuer vestibulum elit.