We are delighted to welcome a variety of visiting speakers over Zoom this half term. Megan, VI, summarises an exciting recent CSCT lecture:
On Wednesday last week, Computer Science and Creative Technology Society hosted their inaugural event, a talk given by Dr Amanda Prorok of Cambridge University entitled ‘Robots that Work Together’. Dr Prorok gave a fascinating insight into the emerging field of swarm robotics, and its origins in the observation of birds migrating in sync. My favourite section of the talk was focused on one of Dr Prorok’s experiments, the Cambridge Minicar. This was made up of robotic cars driving around a track that could communicate their position and speed to each other. When an obstacle was placed on the track, there were 35% fewer traffic buildups when the cars communicated and slowed down for each other versus when they moved individually. This technology is very exciting for the future of driverless cars and robots in space exploration.