Following an extremely productive year for the St Paul’s Environment Action Committee (SPEAC), the newly-recruited VII team have already met for the first time to start planning for 2020/21. This year’s committee, formed of 14 experienced and dedicated Paulinas, will divide into working groups to focus on communications, partnerships and in-school sustainability, collaborating with the Staff Eco-Forum, VIII SPEAC mentors and SPEAC Year Reps. A particular focus this term will be working on reducing Covid-related waste in a safe way and how we can ‘Build Back Better’ as a school community. Another exciting aspect of SPEAC’s work will involve representing St Paul’s on the student-led London Schools Eco-Network (LSEN), founded by St Paul’s in 2019 and now numbering around 15 secondary schools across the capital. Schools and Councils outside London are interested in replicating this pioneering regional partnership model and we are looking forward to comparing notes with a brand new Berkshire Schools Eco-Network. A key focus for both SPEAC and the LSEN this autumn will be leading virtual events and activities for the online nationwide Youth Climate Summit 2020 on 9-13 November, devised by a group of dedicated teachers, organisations and the environmental NGO Global Action Plan.