Students recently attended the first London Schools Eco-Network meeting of the term, which took place over Zoom. Tian, VII, describes the event:
With over 30 participants from 14 different schools, the virtual Zoom meeting was an opportunity for students to come together to passionately discuss environmental aims for this year. Thanks to an enthusiastic, tenacious committee last year, we already have a pronounced platform from which our environmental strategies can take off. Our agenda includes reaching out to primary schools, sharing ideas for eco initiatives and campaigns in our schools and beyond, and continuing active and engaging social media channels. LSEN will have a vital role in organising the Youth Climate Summit – a UK-wide conference led by Dr Tipton (our Head of Sustainability) and Global Action Plan, an NGO dedicated to shaping greener behaviour in our communities, with input from hundreds of teachers, organisations, schools and Councils. This event will be taking place 9-13 November and Alexandra, LV, and Tian, VII, who are Youth Climate Summit Ambassadors, will be promoting this event in order to keep up momentum of sustainable change in schools, as well as to rally as many students and families as possible to join our fight against the climate and ecological crises.