The conference had been delayed from January due to Covid and so the students were looking forward to representing their countries at last. Students represented France and the Philippines and tackled some very challenging topics. It was the first MUN conference for nearly all the V students who came, and only the second for the VII, and they all performed at a very high level. Students attending the conference were: Alexandra, Neha, Lucinda, Haya (VII) and Rosanagh, Laura, Izzy, Morgan, Shonali, Christiane, Seraphina and Katherine (V).
Special mentions to Izzy who won Best Overall Delegate and to the French delegation who won the Best Diplomatic Delegation but also Alexandra who chaired a committee for the first time. Congratulations also to the other prize-winners: Lucinda for Most Accurate to Country as France on the Women’s Committee; Haya for the Best Speaker as France on the Security Council; Christiane for Most Accurate to Country as France on the Legal Committee and Rosanagh as Best Speaker on the SOCHUM 1994 Committee. Well done to everyone. A big thank you also to Mr Perdikis and Dr McCullagh who gave up part of their weekend to support the students.