
EasyA Volunteer Maths Mentoring Programme

EasyA Volunteer Maths Mentoring Programme

Over the summer 41 Paulinas volunteered to mentor other students in maths, part of a collaborative project with St Paul’s School and two former Paulines. Using a maths mentoring app called ‘easya’, St Paul’s students who had achieved or were predicted a 9/8 grade in maths provided support for students in maintained schools who had been missing out on […]

Over the summer 41 Paulinas volunteered to mentor other students in maths, part of a collaborative project with St Paul’s School and two former Paulines. Using a maths mentoring app called ‘easya’, St Paul’s students who had achieved or were predicted a 9/8 grade in maths provided support for students in maintained schools who had been missing out on education. The rationale behind conceiving and delivering the app is captured most succinctly by one of the app’s developers: ‘during lockdown, it has become harder than ever for students to continue to learn effectively. After the upcoming summer holidays, many state school students coming back to school in September will not have had the necessary support from their teachers for over half a year. This will inevitably result in poor academic performance and lead to a big knock-on effect on these students’ future opportunities. With the help of volunteers, we can use our technology to connect student-tutors (Mentors) with student learners (Mentees) in the local and wider community and help those who most need support. This will assist Mentees in getting back on track and hitting the ground running in September.’ During the holiday a total of 130 mentoring hours were logged by the volunteers! We hope that this pilot project will enable far more opportunities in the future.