
New Head of School Team

New Head of School Team

For the first time, the SPGS HoST team and SPS Prefect Team went on a joint trip to the Norfolk Coast (West Runton) in order to develop our leadership skills and establish our aims for the year ahead.

We spent three days participating in a series of workshops and challenges led by the team from Albany Peak: an organisation that specialises in improving the strategy execution of high-performing teams. This was a phenomenal opportunity to grow the collaboration between the two schools and to better understand the tools needed for creating effective leadership. Alongside this, many mass games of touch rugby, football on the beach and most importantly, ultimate frisbee, were played! The challenges we completed enabled us to utilise the techniques we were learning about in our workshops. The Head of School and Captain of School led sessions to discuss the initiatives we are keen to generate, as well as our prefect legacies. We also developed our respective Prefect Team Charters: a list of values we have committed to as a team, which will drive our actions. Many thanks to Mrs Abbott and Mr Try for organising such a useful and inspiring trip.

Sophia (Head of School, VII)