While the UK abolished capital punishment in 1969 and Bermuda, where the case we saw had originated, also does not apply it, being able to see the process of appeal, response and stoic scrutiny by a panel of judges in court only further buttressed our view of the great human weight and impact of punishment. Being able to see the law in action directly has made us think deeper, not only about the death penalty but the bigger picture of justice.
Through Project ReMAKE, we have been offered many eye-opening opportunities and have been able to learn from a diversity of people of different backgrounds and knowledge. This has given us insight into the criminal justice system, including prison and rehabilitation. We await to hear the outcome of the appeal later this year and hope it will go through; in the meantime, we are looking forward for what is in store ahead of us this term as we go on to write an essay on the death penalty and fundraise for the Project.
Jasmine, Jiwon, Natasha, Tracy (VII)